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authors gopal tiple
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What are Data Containers and how are they used?

Gopal Tiple

A file, say a power point presentation that you’ve created works flawlessly on your computer. The minute you open it elsewhere, glitches appear and your presentation starts looking strange or not function at all. Your nicely designed slide looks unintelligible, simply because the target computer doesn’t have the right font.

Why is Model View Controller so popular?

Gopal Tiple

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is probably one of the most talked about acronyms in the web programming world in recent years.

Gopal Ahuja


Madhu Gopal

Gopal Mistari

Rajesh Gopal

Experienced software engineer, devops architect and, cloud and microservices architecture expert, hands-on with Docker and Kubernetes.

How to Setup Airflow Multi-Node Cluster with Celery & RabbitMQ

Chetankumar Khatri

Programmatically author, schedule & monitor workflow. It provides Functional abstraction as an idempotent DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph). Function’s as an abstraction service for executing tasks at scheduled intervals.

Gopal Kalubhai Shihora

Bharat Gopal Lahori

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