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Latest Podcasts

Why re-invent the wheel when you can learn from someone who has taken a similar digital journey. Listen to podcasts on industry trends, quick fixes, leapfrog strategies, migration tools, product re-engineering, and more.

Proud To Present

Our Most Recent Podcast

Microservices Orchestration vs Choreography
Applying pervasive AI/ML applications in your daily business
Best practices to build digital products with event-driven architecture
Teaching your web application to talk
Building decentralized web applications using blockchain technology
Personalizing your web applications using Accion Labs Alizeh AI/ML framework
Speed up your front-end applications using Flutter and Server Side Rendering (SSR)
Getting to know about Agile Gantt, a tool for agile project estimation
Perform Anomaly detection in real-time Streaming analytics

Accion Labs Videos

Get hands-on with technologies and best practices on how to build platforms and architecture using machine learning, AI, blockchain, conversational UI and more. Know more about our solutioning approach, process accelerators, digital engines and architecture blueprints.
Perform Anomaly detection in real-time Streaming analytics
Emerging technologies you must know for digital transformation
Integration with COTS (Commercial off the shelf) software into the Microservices model

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