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readiness component development

Readiness Component Development

The client, an international public health agency, sought to address several challenges in their emergency readiness and response efforts. They faced issues related to single-vendor dependency, delays in meeting stakeholder requests, slow project performance due to extensive data, and the need to scale up their readiness team.

To resolve these issues, Accion Labs developed a "Readiness Tool" which is a guide to the critical readiness steps needed to ensure preparedness & support emergency responses throughout the client’s global offices. This tool has been streamlined in both its structure and content, making it highly digitized and practical for use.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • Implementation of a digitalized version with user engaging web forms to efficiently capture data 
  • Users can now visualize data through various charts and shapes
  • Improved data security 
  • Individualized access to web applications is granted exclusively to authenticated and authorized users, utilizing two-factor authentication for enhanced security

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