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Process Intelligence Platform to Enable Business Process Optimization​

The client is a leading provider of automation for global enterprises. With a diverse customer base across industry verticals like Healthcare, Telecom, Manufacturing, Public Services, etc., they help in automating several business processes.

The client used to capture a process in the XML format and then automated it, but they faced several challenges like incorrect process insights, difficulty in tracking business processes and ROI, inaccurate identification of automation priority targets, etc. To address and resolve these issues, Accion Labs developed a process intelligence platform to enable users to effectively analyze business process data and make informed decisions on process optimization.

Our solution delivered significant business outcomes like:

  • Improved ROI figures
  • Easy detection of discrepancies through system-generated risks and alerts
  • Real-time process updates on visualization and data analytics for process intelligence
  • Process customization within the application
  • Reduced complexity of processes and training efforts

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