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Infrastructure Automation Consul
2 min read

Infrastructure Automation Consulting

Infrastructure automation is the process of scripting environments, from installing an operating system, installing and configuring servers on instances, configuring how the instances and software communicate with one another. By scripting environments, you can apply the same configuration to a single node or to thousands.

Infrastructure Automation or Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a method to provision and manage IT infrastructure through the use of source code, rather than through standard operating procedures and manual processes. You’re basically treating your servers, databases, networks, and other infrastructure like software. And this code can help you configure and deploy these infrastructure components quickly and consistently multiple times.

Why Infrastructure Automation

  • Speed and Simplicity
  • Automated and Efficient Workflows
  • Cost savings because of reduction of manual Steps
  • Configuration consistency and Better Reliability
  • Increased efficiency in software development

Accion Labs Infrastructure Automation Solutions

Here in Accion we are offering a wide variety of tools to support infrastructure automation like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, SaltStack. We follow a tool-centric, outcome-focused and action-oriented engagement approach to meet the expectations of our client as well as delivering quality products and services.

Accion Advantage

Accion is a product engineering company helping transform businesses through Emerging Technologies. We create an environment where collaboration happens seamlessly and effortlessly and that’s what differentiates us from the rest. Our clients range from startups to large enterprises. We realize that different clients have different needs and we tailor our services to suit our clients' requirements.